Fire mask comparisons

The table below shows you the main differences between each of the fire masks we review on this site. It is not an exhaustive list of every aspect of each product, but we hope it provides a good, quick overview to aid you in your decision making process.

Product Protection Time (minutes) Suitable Ages Shelf Life Accessories Price
Fayamask travel fire survival kit
Fayamask Travel Fire Survival Kit
60  3 years old+ 5 years  Fire gloves, heat-resistant blanket, LED flashlight, air filtration mask, compass, thermometer, whistle.  £49.99
Drager 5510 Fire Mask
Dräger Parat 5510 Fire Escape Mask
 15 Unspecified, but fits a wide range of face shapes and sizes 16 years, if the filter is replaced after 8 years None  £145.81