Fire Safety: Escape with a Ladder

Our homes are our place of safety, the area of comfort and familiarity where we rest after a long day at work or kiss our children a good night before bed. But what happens when our home becomes our worst nightmare and a significant fire breaks out? Hopefully, you will never have to face this, but what would you do if you did? In the UK, there were 243 fire fatalities and 6,910 non-fatal casualties from 2019-2020 (according to Government Read More

The fire risk associated with skin creams

Have you ever considered that your skin cream might increase the risk of a fire in your home? Skin creams and other toiletries can include flammable substances in their ingredients that can increase the risk of fires, severe burns to the skin, and fatalities when absorbed into fabrics. Here we highlight the dangers and discuss measures that you can take to prevent these disastrous events from happening.  What skin creams are hazardous?  Skin creams, sprays, bath oils, lotions, ointments or Read More

Top Ten Tips for Planning Your Fire Escape

In the UK, historic fires such as the First Great Fire of London and more recent ones like the Grenfell Tower fire have killed thousands. But how would you react if you woke up in the middle of the night in a room filled with smoke? Do you and your family know what to do if there was a fire in your home? If you don’t, then it is time to get organised and start planning your way out of Read More

Different types of fire extinguishers

Fire Safety in the Home: Fire Extinguishers

Are you prepared in case of a fire? Do you have any fire safety equipment in your home?  An increasing number of us working from home, plugging in computers and lamps to extension leads. These questions and more need to be thought about with some care if you and your loved ones are to be given all the help you need if the worst does happen. Searching out the best fire smoke mask or other fire safety equipment such as Read More

Lady checking a carbon monoxide alarm

Face Mask Protection for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

One of the main components of fire smoke is carbon monoxide, but what do you really know about it? Do you know that a fire mask emergency escape hood can help prevent its inhalation during a fire, giving you up to sixty vital minutes to escape? Smoke inhalation is a leading cause of death during fires, so it makes sense to have a fire mask handy in case a fire breaks out in your home. In this article, we explore Read More

Fire Safety: Kitchen Fires

The kitchen, the place of burnt toast and endless hot beverages. The home hub, where friends and families come together to enjoy good food and discuss the activities of the day.  However, there are several fire hazards in the kitchen that you and your family should be aware of. Are you suitably prepared with the right fire equipment in your home? Do you have a working smoke alarm or gloves and fire retardant mask available to hand?  Armed with a Read More

Fire Safety: Chimney Fires – What are the Risks?

With the darker nights in the cold winter months, it’s a real treat to light up and all gather around, soaking up the energy and the atmosphere a warm and roaring fire creates. However, if the last time you had your chimney swept was when the original Mary Poppins was shown in cinemas then it’s about time to do something about it! When we go out house hunting in search of the perfect home, a large beautiful fireplace is often Read More

Fire Safety Teaching for Children

Are your children aware of the risks of fire? Do they know what to do in the event of a fire? Do you have the best fire safety equipment accessible in your home including fire safety masks designed to be the right fit for young children? Do your children even know your address if they had to call 999? If the answer is no to any of these questions then now is the time to make this right and ensure Read More

Is Oxygen a Fire Safety Risk?

Currently, the world as we know it is being controlled by a micro-organism, the tiny enveloped virus that is delivering immense damage to our health, our population and our economy. Coronavirus is being breathed into the airways of thousands, reducing their ability to obtain the essential molecule to sustain life. To free up the much-needed beds, swathes of stabilised infected patients are being released out of the hospitals to their homes with an oxygen supply and masks to continue their Read More

Risk Prevention: What to Look for When Choosing the Best Fire Mask?

You may now be used to wearing face masks; it is of course the new norm in a very surreal world, but were you aware of the usefulness and necessity of face masks for fire safety? Did you know there are more people killed in the UK through inhaling toxic smoke during a fire than through the fire itself? You might not think it can happen to you but think again, we are all at risk of house fires and Read More